Wolf Pack Book and BONUS Painting Special

"The strength of the wolf is in the pack and the strength of the pack is in the wolf.”
#1 Recommended Resource for Empowering, Engaging and Motivating Your Workplace Pack!
Purchase Just (1) Case of Sam’s Newest Best Selling Book, Grow Through What You Go Through, Get a Bonus Original Practice Wolf Painting Valued at $4,000.
Hurry…Only 8 Left!


Wolf Pack Special Details:
* There are 56 books per case. (Need more - buy more cases. Limit one wolf painting per order.)
* This new book by Sam is filled with the good stuff! If you enjoy his speeches and content, you will love this book and feel confident giving it to those you care about. This book focuses resilience, creativity, resourcefulness, optimism, growth, positivity and so much more. (Lots more!!!)

Each Wolf Painting is a Little Different

Below you will see a sample practice wolf painting. PLEASE NOTE: Each painting looks a little different. The size of the painting is 30x40 inches - nice size!
* Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery due to Sam’s travel schedule.
Any questions, contact Amanda@SamGlenn.com
Limit 1 Wolf Painting Per Order - Thank you 😊 ,
“Mr. Glenn, our school gave us a copy of your book, Grow Through What You Go Through, and it came at the perfect time. My life has been a mess and this book has helped me find the masterpiece in the mess. I felt like giving up, but you inspired me to keep going. Thank you!” - Darlene W.